One World Leadership Institute Africa (OWLI-Africa) is a registered international NGO in Kenya under the Ministry of Planning and Devolution in the year 2014. The organization’s operations are overseen by a CEO supported by a dedicated and skilled team in both Kenya and the United States.
OWLI-Africa provides an innovative platform for igniting and fostering young leaders through unique educational opportunities, talent development and social entrepreneurial programs. Owli-Africa acts as a facilitator enhancing the growth of global young leaders. We use our network resources to help community members become active contributors to setting the humanitarian and developmental agendas that impact their communities.
Our organization programs seek to offer strategic interventions to at risk communities to overcome poverty sustainably, more equitably and with more efficient use of resources. This may be achieved by establishing an enabling institutional environment for the emergence of dynamic
Community organizations, developing community-level rural infrastructure, fostering the local economy at the community level and diversifying the sources of external support for Community Based Organizations (CBOs).