NARETOI SAAEN (Is a Samburu Word that Means Women Empowering Women) It is a network of women from Samburu, Turkana, Narok, Kajiado and Machakos Counties founded by OWLI Africa and its Partners. NARETOI is a project that brings together women community leaders, donors and volunteers from multiple sectors to work closely with Women in basketry, weaving and beading sector in socio economic empowerment activities. The purpose of the NARETOI SAEN Women Empowerment program is to set up a resource centre in each county and provide necessary resources that will enable Women in Weaving, Basketry and Beading sector, access international market in USA for their products through capacity building, trainings, membership, access to digital technology and resources to explore wider market.
We empower women in the community to succeed in self-employment because we know that the global market cannot keep pace with the vast number of products being ushered into the market world every year. As these entrepreneurs start businesses, we have witnessed their power to create new jobs and help shape local economies. Our entrepreneurship initiatives give the women the foundational knowledge, training, and resources to start, lead and grow small and micro enterprises. The project will be prepared through analyzing the different issues affecting Samburu women in their entrepreneurship journeys and coming up with topics of interest prior to every session. Methodology The program facilitators from Owli Africa will work closely with the Women to come up with areas of interest for every session. This will ensure the focus remains on the needs of the women and clear sustainable solutions are realised
A Community Resource Centre (CRC), also known as a Community Resource Hub or Center, is a physical or virtual space that serves as a central point for community members to access various resources and services. These centers are typically established to support and empower local communities by providing information, assistance, and resources in areas such as education, healthcare, social services, employment and more.
build both leadership and technical skills that support the women’s work, in addition, offer mentor support and opportunities for women to build their professional network. The tasks will include, creating digital product profiles, set up digital merchant account for each member, integrations of mobile payments, create digital online store, design exhibition booth, document members digital profiles and automate product design, production, processing and orders
innovative program that seek to provide quality career guidance for adults at scale. At this stage we use artificial intelligence and a conversational interface to help people overcome career challenges and explore career development opportunities related to digital, data and IT skills. We built a rules-based chatbot (expert system) to ensure quality recommendations, control and interpretability, and are now adding generative AI with strong guardrails. Automated career guidance allows us to reach many people at low cost. This can be enhanced with webinars, counselling, coaching, and/or peer support.